
Monday, 31 August 2015

My problem solving

Walt: multiply and divide decimals.
We are learning to multiply and divide decimal numbers. 
Today we have been doing our problem solving with divide
 a by questions that look like times and time tables that looks like divide a by's,

The making of poems

Walt:  use our inferencing skills to find meaning in the text.
In an early morning                                                                               Waking up early    
We collect ______                                                                             hearing it mumble
to grow even bigger.                                                                           It was a _______    
But separates because it was large.                                                  It was in search of its prey.
                                                                                                               Using his paws it scratches.
This won’t’ stop eating as it travels around.             
            It disappears into screen air.                                                          I watch him all morning.

      Coming and seeing
              it was ______________  
              With his nice curly hair     

With ripped shoes but doesn't care.      

                   As him being tall.

              He drinks coffee every morning.

Today we have been doing a activity is which that we 
have to read the poem and write our ideas and because 
why we think that. We have been learning to use our inferencing s
kills to find meanings in the text.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Explaining the definition in sentences

Walt: use the words related to the story to write our own sentences.
We have been learning to search the definition of our word and write it in our own words. 
We have been learning to use the words related to the story to write our own sentences.
In this reading activity we had to define what the word means.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

My week 6 problem solving

Walt: add and subtract decimals.

We have been learning to add decimals also subtract decimals. The other thing we learnt when we are adding decimals, is that we can add subtract. That is rounding up to the close number like: 15.12+17.15=,
so you go like this: 12+88=1.0 then, 15+1.0=16.0+1.15=17.15.
So add the ones you added to round. So 88+1.15=2.3.

Our trade fair

Walt: use language that paints a picture in the minds of our reader.
This is about a trade fair that team 4 had in week 4. The trade fair we had was something that we take orders from customers as they visit. Trade means the action of buying and selling goods and services, enterprise means a company or business.

Our trade fair was a place that we sell our products that we make in our business groups. We take orders so that we have time to make what our customers want that we have. Others have there own things so that all just don’t have the same. It is like a service thing but a little different from what real ones are.

There are 6 various of groups that we have and they are: Homeware, Kitchen, Musical instrument, Toys,Jewelry and custom stationery. I belong to the homeware group where we sell things that can be used at home or school. The product that my group and I have decided was a skull candle and a orange peel candle. We had presentations to present.

At the trade fair was that we got to walk around seeing the creativity that other people made with what resources they had to make what they decided. My experiences with this is that this was my first school trade the I have ever been to.

In week 8 there will be a market day which is a day that a lot of products that each group make will be sold.
The making of the orders will be done on that day and the ones who ordered will get their thing. The market day is when we get to the fun stuff.

Friday, 21 August 2015

The position in window cleaning

Walt: learn and use new vocab.

Today we are learning to use new vocabulary.  We have been writing a review and job application. The task ask us to read the text and then do our discussion doc.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Using auxiliary verbs

Walt: use auxiliary verbs and using them in sentences.
We are learning to use auxiliary verbs in sentences that we are writing.
Auxiliary verbs are: Am,have,will and was.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Chocolate critic

Walt: use language that paints a picture in the mind of our reader.

If i had went to a store to buy L&P chocolate I would eat this for breakfast all day.

The product is a king size bar of white chocolate that is a L&P flavored. It has a Whittaker's brand on the bar and wrapper. Also it has a Whittaker's brand on the bar itself like little writing and was $4.30. I think that L&P combined with white chocolate is a great idea for me….. that’s my type.

Image result for l&p chocolateDrooling like a little baby as it was melting in my mouth as a flowing river of chocolate . It was bumpy and smooth at the same time which was weird. It just look’s like a plain white chocolate but with gold spots buried in it as if it had sank down in the ocean. As smelling the chocolate it had a unusual smell on it but hard to explain, but if I had to I’d say . In my mouth with a perfect level of sweetness.

I could improve this by adding in little soft candy or just leave it. I could change the chocolate into dairy chocolate with an L&P flavored. By my case I just don’t feel like having to change or improve it.

I would give it a 10/10 in my distance of rate and what I feel that I think of it. I like this kind of product that Whittaker’s have done by combining a L&P drink and white chocolate to make L&P chocolate.
We are learning to use a type of language that paints a picture in the mind of our readers. The task ask us to use a certain type of language that explains it to the reader and that draws/paints a picture. Our reader can feel like they are in the story.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Teacher lesson WK3

Walt: work with decimals.

Today we are learning to multiply and divide whole numbers.
 I have learnt to multiply whole numbers. That's including decimals.

Week 5 problem solving

Walt: multiply whole numbers.

Today we are learning to multiply and divide whole numbers.
 I have learnt to multiply whole numbers. That's including decimals.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

My wonderful advice blog

Walt: think critically about what we read.
We are learning how to think critically about what we read. Critically means relating or being the same as a word.
This is an advice blog that we had to do.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Applying for a job

To whom it may concern,

Bank teller:
I am applying a position to be a bank teller. I would be good at a bank teller because I know my maths and numbers. I am also a trustworthy person and that I could be perfect for the job.

My sister teaches me more about maths and so that I can get better at what this job is about. I am an organized person and I think that I could do well for this job if I get it. I thank you for reading my application and I hope that I get the job.

yours sincerely

Teacher lesson week 2

We were learning to add and subtract decimals. We have started off with easy decimals and numbers and then tried to answer it our selves.

Monday, 10 August 2015

My week 4 problem solving

Walt: understand decimals place value.

We are learning to understand the decimal place values.
 We have been learning to do the place value of decimals.

My fundraising ski trip

Walt: understand and use new vocabulary.
We are learning to use new vocabulary in a writing and also understand. Our poster is and advertisement poster that tells people information about it and the price,when and where. Also by adding pictures so people can see about what it looks like.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

My week 3 problem solving

Walt: add and subtract decimals.

In our maths we are learning to add or subtract decimals. Decimals are little dots like full stops but used in with numbers. Like this for an example and this is a decimal: 0.2,3.05,0.6. So thats and example of what an decimals look like's if you don't know what it is.